2024-25 Annual Fund
Why Give to the Annual Fund?
This year we invite you to Fall for Woodland!
What do we mean by that?
Fall is when we launch the Annual Fund campaign, which Woodland relies on for 6% of its operating budget.
And, each year, we fall in love with Woodland all over again when we get back from summer break!
Let’s show our love to Woodland by making an Annual Fund gift to:
Fill the gap, which all independent schools have, between tuition and the full cost educating every student.
Contribute to the tuition assistance pool, supporting access to Woodland for a wide range of families.
Help fund field trips, after-school athletics, Outdoor Education, art shows, musical performances, and an incredible line up of electives. And let’s not forget all those earthworms powering the Early Childhood gardening and sustainability programs!
Giving Levels
Woodland thanks and celebrates every donor to the Annual Fund! We are pleased to recognize donors in our Annual Report honor rolls as follows:
Sustaining Circle
$50,000 and above
Founders Circle
$25,000 - $49,999
Leadership Circle
$10,000 - $24,999
Woodland Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Wildcat Circle
$2,500 - $4,999
Partnership Circle
$1,000 to $2,499
Community Circle
$1 - $999
Donors of $5,000 or more will be invited to a recognition reception each fall.
How to Make Your Gift
You can make your tax-deductible gift by check, credit card, stock or securities.
Annual Fund FAQs
Woodland's Tax ID