Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
Woodland strives to be an inclusive, culturally diverse community rooted in kindness. We believe that students learn best when our school recognizes multiple perspectives and provides a nurturing environment where all are supported and feel a sense of belonging. Our core values guide us to open our hearts and minds to embrace the differences in one another with empathy, humility, and respect. With these principles, Woodland prepares students to be compassionate stewards who care for others, thrive in a complex world, and shape a more equitable future.
Board Approved February 2022
In the spring of 2022, the Woodland community completed the NAIS AIM (Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism) process. Based on qualitative and quantitative feedback from employees, students, and families, our DEIJ statement was crafted.
Woodland partners with People of Color in Independent Schools (POCIS) and Peninsula Bridge and implements elements of the racial literacy curriculum for Pollyanna. A board task force guides Woodland’s DEIJ initiatives. Members of the task force seek out ongoing education for board members in an effort to mirror the learning journey of the school community.